Day 2 - My internship experience at PIM's Junior Inter.Club #2

9 years ago
Off to the lecture room!
The clock struck 8:34. Coffee Break! I pulled out my novel "Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat". As I read the novel, other people had used this time to play EDM tracks to de-stress themselves before the lectures began.

As soon as we entered the room, a man shook hands with all the students. "Hello, How are you?", he said sweetly while shaking my hand. "I am fine. And you?", I said politely. "I am fine too. Thank you.", he said. I took a seat at my usual spot in the front row.
He introduced himself as Mr. Jordi. I could tell from his surname that he was Spanish, and I was absolutely correct. He started explaining the differences between Modern Trade and Traditional Trade. The main difference was the use of technology. 

Ajarn Jordi explaining about MTM
After the lecture, we had a workshop where we had to design a creative service for the future. "For this activity, you must get in groups guys.", Ajarn Jordi said sounding indefatigable like an RJ on the microphone. Instances like this made me yearn for my friends. I went on those flashbacks when T. Sakiko used to tell us to form groups. I and Dolly looked at each other as if we had an assignment to hunt the other group members. However, that day I had nobody to stare at. My flashback shattered, as soon as Nawat said, "Shruti, join us. We are a group of four". I used the same idea that I wrote for entering this internship. Everyone agreed to the notion and started developing it. My idea was the Voice Command Machine robot (VCM) in wholesale markets such as Makro. It would help you drop your products into the car too.

Presenting along with my teammates
When it was our time to submit our idea. I had confidence that my idea will be sold. However after seeing Samad's group, I felt indecisive about who would win. Cake had a great idea about providing services via drones, but that had already existed. Samad also had an excellent idea which I will not disclose without his permission, as I want him to have the credits for that. The lecturers liked my idea a lot, and our group won!

We won!
After lunch, we went to 7-11 mock store and Makro. We all got to study about handling the cash and the stock. We strolled around as the managers explained their revenue and the management of such stores. Probably the best day of internship so far!

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