Escapade at the Pa Ngam Adventure and Team Building Centre

8 years ago
On 12th January and 13th January, Year 10-13 students went to "Pa Ngam Adventure and Team Building Centre" also known as "The Richy Field" located at Suan Phung Thailand. We left at 8:30 and reached around noon.
"The Richy Field"
There are just places which remind me of nature's protective walls, and mountains are definitely one of them. The panoramic view of the grass-covered mountains looked as if the sky was pierced. We all stood transfixed by the scenic view of the peak concealed by clouds. "Ahhh...the view here is lovely", exclaimed few children behind me.

As soon as we got to the resort, we asked the host for the WiFi password. The hosts were very courteous and introduced themselves formally. They also explained that "Suan" means garden and "Pheung" defines bee. We saw another host with the same face, that got us astonished! "Wait, they are twins!", I heard Shiva say. I noticed a few friendly dogs with polished glossy fur, which most of us tried avoiding. Dogs are cuddly, but I have a fear that it could harm me if I stared at it. I think I have cynophobia. 

Subsequently, we ate our lunch, collected our keys and headed towards our room. Fortunately, we (I, Aleena and Ramita) had got the Pomelo rooms which were considered to be the best ones in the resort. I pulled out my phone to send pictures to my sister of the chambers. When she went a few days ago, she could not get those rooms, as they were occupied. I slid the off-white curtains from the window. The breath-taking view of the garden full of colours was present. Just like "Heaven on Earth".

We were called again at around 13:00 for the Team-Building activities. Various activities were carried out such as trust fall, skiing, walking on the rope with the harness attached and many more teamwork activities that exhausted us. When I started walking on the rope, I felt the quiver in the rope. However, I did not quit and continued walking till my team succeeded! I also got encouraged to finish the activities, because some of the teachers were doing it with full enjoyment.

Teamwork activities at the Wings area
Is selfie must before departure? Oops, rhetorical question!
After these activities had been over at 16:30, we played another set of teamwork activities which were organised by the SRC members. One of the games, where we were supposed to hit the sponges filled with water without seeing the opponents was one of the most fun games I have ever played. We continued to play this game, instead of joining the other stations. I felt like Saksith and I were feeling nostalgic at this camp, as we recalled the old moments where the rest of our batch would bring amusing elements to those activities.

At 18:00, we ate our dinner and were free to do whatever we wanted. As soon as the sun disappeared over the horizon, spectacular glimmering lightbulbs started glowing across the resort. Pictures were taken of the sparkling lights aligned altogether. It was "lit". If I could describe the scenery in an emoji, it would be 🔥. Some of them were just preparing themselves up for the talent show.

Shimmering lights, displaying joy... (Picture Courtesy: Anirudh Makhana)
The talent show started off with a flying start. The "party vibe" had begun. EDM tracks blared, neon lights shone and bodies moving to the beat of the music. Aparna, Sajiv and Yasmine were prodigious with their performances! I was looking forward to Anirudh and Fardeen's 'rad' video containing VFX, as Anirudh had mentioned once about it. The original video was unbelievable, and both of them had done a commendable job of displaying something new. They also surprisingly added bloopers of their video which was hilarious. Assumedly, they won the "Best Talent Show". Since few people participated in this event, we roasted the marshmallows and went to bed on time.

Grey clouds were prisming through the fog
We woke up at 6. I slid the curtains again. The blades of grass shone radiantly while the grey clouds were prisming through the fog. Children had begun taking photos while Teacher Irfan supervised them. I was expecting that we would have an aerobics session like we do every year. However, they skipped this process this year. Thus, we quickly took a shower, packed our bags and dashed to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, we had clicked a few photos and left for the adventure site. Some people said they would miss "The Richy Field" a lot, I would agree on that too. It's undeniable.

Group photo sessions as always
The adventure site contained exhilarating activities such as rock climbing, flying fox and sky-coaster. I was speechless when I did those activities. Sometimes pictures speak louder than the descriptions. The pictures below illustrated what happened next.
Teachers joined this ride as well!
Random shots
With these electrifying activities, we have learnt to overcome our fears and never let the inner child die in us. We bid adieu and headed back to Bangkok. It was indeed a legendary moment of our lives, and we lived it to the fullest!

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