Catch Up With Me!

7 years ago
This blog post is just a little update on my life and talks about what I have been up to lately. Currently, I am sipping a glass of Thai iced milk tea (a.k.a Cha Nom) and thinking about blog post ideas. If you have any, feel free to comment below and let me know!

First of all, I just completed my first year of university. Hurray! It's unbelievable that I completed two semesters since October. I loved the group assignments and the class works that were given, however I disliked the exams and quizzes part. The anxiety during the examinations season resulted in my sickness. The weather got a lot more showery in May, as well. Therefore, we can conclude that pathetic fallacy does exist in real life. Anyway, I am so pleased to be done with this! I can finally focus on watching more YouTube videos and reading some novels. (which I haven't even started yet :P)

A week ago, I went an extra mile to organize my cupboards (was initially aiming for the entire room!). It felt so satisfying to transform everything to look cleaner. Now it doesn't just look cleaner, it is squeaky clean. Despite that, I have been procrastinating way too much lately. I still have a lot that I am aiming to get done by the end of this summer!

Also, the fact that Aditi's guitar was untouched for a year irked me. So I decided at the drop of a hat to start strumming the guitar with the help of some YouTube tutorials. At this point, I can confidently say that I have been fairly good at the beginner part. I still can't change the chords instantly, but there's some progress for sure. I will surely update you on that real soon (maybe on a separate blog post).

By the way, if you want a beginner's guide on strumming the guitar, then please do check Guitar Goddess' YouTube channel out. What I love about her is that she doesn't go too slow or too fast while teaching.... it's just the right pace for beginners.
Lastly, I resumed working out at the gym again. YES....I'm back at it again. There is a fat chance that other people wouldn't be around (like the picture I took below), which is great as that would give me an opportunity to make the most of it. Subsequently, it always ends up with me collapsing on the sofa for 10 minutes (more like half an hour). I have mixed feelings about going there, but I always come back feeling refreshed than ever before. 

I am aware that this post is out of the theme for my blog, but I just wanted to ramble on here for a change. Anyway, it is summer time and I am here for it! Hope that you all have had a wonderful week! What are your plans for the summer? Are you curious to learn to play a new instrument?


  1. YAY! Shru, you're gonna have to teach me guitar then. AND MEET UP SOON.

  2. congratulations for completing the first year in the University! :) Keep playing guitar I've always wanted to play the guitar but it's pretty hard I've learned the piano instead ;)

  3. Congratulations for completing two semesters. Your post is very well written.

  4. I have to work all summer, but I’ll be doing day trips every weekend :)

    1. That sounds fun! I'd love to have some work experience too :)

  5. Congrats on being so productive! Sounds like you’ve had a busy week.
    Keep up the good work at uni, you’ve got this!

  6. hahaha.. when I was a child, I always want to learn hot to play a violin. And I still curious about that hahaha btw I'am 27 now :P what do you thing?

    1. I think you can still learn anything at this age, whenever you have the time and energy to do so :) Age shouldn't restrict anyone.

  7. Good to know you had completed your 1st year in University. The only instrument I would love to learn is to play the guitar but I already gave up that dream. hahaha! Just keep going on you school and continue to learn more songs. :)

    1. Hahahahaha I think you can resume the dream whenever you have time! Thanks for the encouragement :) And I surely will 💪

  8. I have to study all summer :(( However, I want to go to the gym as well. Maybe I'm going to start next week.


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