Off to Strasbourg!

7 years ago

Day 2: Brussels ➡️  Strasbourg

Brussels was still bone-chilling cold at this point, so without hesitation I pulled out my thick and furry jacket. My family and I appreciated the warm coffee brewing...the aroma was just.....MAGICAL! 

Next up, was the time for some photo sessions at the Cathedral of St.Michael and St. Gudula. Here's how that went!

If you went to Belgium and didn't eat the Belgian waffles, did you actually go to Belgium? I suppose not. Therefore, we had to try that with some chicken wraps. (Salt intake is a must for Aditi, my sister. :P)

The crispiness of waffles was heaven in my mouth. The chocolate sauce felt warm, as soon as it touched my lips. AHAHAHA....that sounded like a MasterChef review!

When we joined the tour group, we stopped en route to see the Manneken Pis statue and the Grand Place.

The Manneken Pis is the fountain statue of a boy peeing. This is a landmark made to represent their good sense of humour. It was rather tinier than what I expected. Like the size of a garden gnome. To my astonishment, the mannequin was fully covered.....unlike the images on Google.

The Grand Place in Brussels is said to be at the heart of the city. It just took my breath away...the grandeur of the buildings drew a crowd. 

I reckon this was because of the perfect blend of the historic architecture along with some contemporary shops.

So then we clicked some pictures and headed back to the coach. When we reached Strasbourg, we ate dinner and slept deeply after an enervating day. 


  1. Loved this entry❤ Makes me want to visit so badly.

    1. Thank you, Pul! ❤ One day, I want us all to go together :)

  2. Sounds like a great day! I've never been to Belgium but I did have Belgian waffles in Amsterdam and fell in love!

  3. Good to read your trip to Strasbourg. It sounds so cool trip with lots of fun!

  4. Some fantastic captures there.The architecture looks spell-binding :)

  5. Brussels is a special city that has a mix of different because of its political background and geographic locations. Thanks for sharing with us your experience! @ knycx.journeying

  6. I've always dreamed of going to Brussels! Hoping to do it one day. If I find myself on the way, would definitely use this post as a guide.

    1. One day you will for sure! Aww, thank you. That's a huge compliment :)


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