Day 4 - My internship experience at PIM's Junior Inter.Club #2

9 years ago
Comparatively to the day before, there was a lighter rainfall. Ajarn Jordi had arrived earlier than usual.

Ajarn Jordi talking about
Cross-Culture Communication
The fourth day had consisted of only lectures. The first half the Ajarn had explained about "Introduction to International Business". He also talked about the importance of cross-culture and negotiation. "It is essential for rapid economic growth, more employment opportunities, business diversification, international collaboration and increase in knowledge.", Sir Jordi said with full zest in his voice.

Next up, another Ajarn had firstly given a recap on Modern trade (Refer to Day 2 - My internship experience at PIM's Junior Inter.Club #2). Then she demonstrated the concepts of marketing and also introduced us to the modern marketing 4Ps which was People, Processes, Programs and Performance. At school, we had learnt the classic 4Ps of marketing which were Product, Place, Price and Promotion.

Subsequently, after the break we had Ajarn Panisa to explain to us about "Invention and Innovation". The types of innovation are Product, Process, Position and Paradigm.
Ajarn Panisa introducing her presentation
After lunch, we had a workshop where we were to plan a product or a service to be sold in an international market and had to cover the aspects of marketing.
Every group busy planning!
Our group's idea was a mirror that shows the size of the clothes by scanning your body. They would also detect for scars or pimples and solve those problems by providing information on which product to use. After this, we wrapped up and ran to the vans.
All groups ideas were presented
Ajarns watching the presentations
Harsh won a blanket for answering the questions by the Ajarn

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